Category: Tax Strategies

Doing the Math – Traditional vs. Roth 401(k) Contributions

We’re doing lots of math in this video to help you decide whether it makes sense to do traditional 401(k) contributions or Roth 401(k) contributions if that’s an option for you. This video is great for early to mid-career people deciding what to do in their 401(k)’s and is also great for you to share with adult children who are early in their careers. Bottom line – it often makes sense to contribute in both ways to your 401(k); however, your unique circumstances and goals may have you leaning heavily in one direction or the other!

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The Slow Motion 1031 Exchange

This video talks about what I call the Slow Motion 1031 Exchange. This complex tax planning topic is great if you 1.) have properties that you want or need to sell, 2.) want to defer capital gains taxes 3.) don’t love any deals right now as part of a potential 1031 Exchange and 4.) want to leave your options open in future years to be able to do a 1031 Exchange and buy a new property when you can potentially find a better deal!

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